Custom Closets: Five Significant Health Benefits
When you think about personal health and wellness, you might think green juices, yoga, meditation, or going for a run in the park. But what about custom closets? You might be surprised to learn that when it comes to your physical and mental health, having a disorganized home can be a top contributor to stress and overall unhappiness.
ClosetsFrom Custom Wardrobes to Custom Closets: A Brief History
Over the last century, closets have become a design phenomenon. Homeowners want walk-in rooms to store their ever-growing collections of clothing, handbags, shoes and accessories. Yet some homeowners and potential buyers may have the occasional historic home that lacks a walk-in closet or wish to turn a […]
Closets, OrganizationTrapezoid Windows: Coverings Guide
Trapezoid windows are often a feature that makes buyers fall in love with a home. They’re typically found along the roofline of homes with sloped ceilings in a main room, like the living room or kitchen. Trapezoid windows come in many different sizes and angles, and can […]
Window TreatmentsWindow Treatments and Real Estate Contracts
Being a homeowner has many advantages, like personalizing every room in your home. Yet, you might hold back on some projects if you plan to move in the future. The prospect of moving sometimes keeps people from investing in custom window treatments. But your window coverings don’t […]
Window Treatments