When you think about personal health and wellness, you might think green juices, yoga, meditation, or going for a run in the park. But what about custom closets? You might be surprised to learn that when it comes to your physical and mental health, having a disorganized home can be a top contributor to stress and overall unhappiness.
Read more →When you click through online listings to find your future home, you know what you’re looking for. You need a kitchen, a bedroom, and a closet big enough to store your belongings. Although most homes will have a closet in each bedroom, they’re not a required part
Read more →Over the last century, closets have become a design phenomenon. Homeowners want walk-in rooms to store their ever-growing collections of clothing, handbags, shoes and accessories. Yet some homeowners and potential buyers may have the occasional historic home that lacks a walk-in closet or wish to turn a
Read more →Over the years, dads collect many Father’s Day gifts. Funky socks and wild ties all need a home, which is a challenge when men typically get less closet space than women. Whether you’re thinking of your husband or your father, here are a few reasons why custom
Read more →When you venture out for your weekly trip to the grocery store, you know what you need to find. You might want a box of cereal, some frozen meals, and household cleaners. Before COVID-19, that would have been a simple trip, but now people want to stock
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