The Yolk’s on You: Easter Eggs, Curtains, and a Prize!

easter egg wilmington ncIf you’re reading this post, you’ve found an Easter Egg! No, it hasn’t been hard boiled and dipped in dye, and no, it wasn’t delivered by an over sized bunny. We’re talking about the kind of Easter Eggs that are hidden on websites and in different forms of media – inside jokes or secret messages, bonuses that, once discovered, feel like a prize.

Your prize for this Easter Egg? One of our favorite decorating aides – an Inspiration Binder with a zippered pouch! This simple tool is a handy way to organize ideas and dream designs. It’s perfect for fabric swatches, paint chips, coupons, and other small items. Best of all, it’s yours! Just come to Strickland’s showroom in Wilmington, NC, tell us you found the Easter Egg, and receive your prize!

Maybe it’s because we’re in the business of window coverings, but we can’t talk about Easter Eggs and hidden prizes without thinking about windows. While the right curtains or coverings can certainly add a splash of color or a burst of pattern, much like those brightly colored eggshells, they also serve another important purpose by providing privacy and intimacy in your home. When darkness falls, we close our curtains to hide ourselves from the outside world. In the mornings, we pull them open to welcome a new day. And who hasn’t wondered what lies behind someone else’s window or tightly drawn curtains?

It’s been said eyes are the windows to the soul. At Strickland’s, we believe that the windows are the eyes of the house, opening and closing over the course of a day, inviting others in and setting boundaries for those moments when we need to be alone.  When you find the right window treatment solution for a room, it too can feel a bit like unlocking a mystery, or winning a prize.

Whether you’re hiding an Easter Egg or simply need a quiet space to relax and unwind, the right curtains and window treatments can provide the privacy you crave, while bringing beauty and elegance to your home. Fill your new Inspiration Binder with spring-inspired decorating designs, and come down to Strickland’s, where we can make your ideas, hidden or not, a reality.