Building a House? Don’t Forget These 10 Organization Must-Haves

Just as baking from scratch yields the tastiest of dishes, building a home from scratch gives you all kinds of opportunities to make it the best house imaginable. If you’re lucky enough to have a say in building your house, we’ve got a few ideas on how to personalize, customize, and include details that are off-the-charts useful. Read on for our organization must-haves:

organization must-haves when building a house

1. Go on a power trip… with outlets, that is. Putting outlets in closets around your house — or even the kitchen pantry — is one of those genius organization must-haves you’ll wish you’d thought of first. It gives you handy spots to charge vacuums and other everyday tools, and keeps everything hidden, too.

2. Don’t rule out rods. Make sure your closets have enough space for both double hung rods (for shirts and pants), and single rods to accommodate dresses, suits, and other long clothes. Include varying heights and allow for adjustable rods for more freedom when it comes to organizing and storing your wardrobe.

3. Consider seasonal storage. One of the best things about being settled in a new home is decorating your new space when the holidays roll around. That’s why it’s always a good idea to have plenty of storage for holiday or seasonal items. You can even create a customized seasonal closet with hangers for wreaths and space for storage boxes.

4. Include pets in your plans. As you customize your house with organization upgrades, don’t forget your furry friends! Pull-out bins and cabinets can hide both pet food and the cat litter box. Special hooks can hold leashes and toys. You can even find tucked-away places for pet beds.

5. Spotlight your pantry. Add a motion sensor light to your pantry and you’ll never have to juggle dinner ingredients and hit the light switch again. (You’ll also be able to keep an eye on who’s snacking!) The same idea can also be applied to closets, if you’d like a special spotlight as you get ready in the morning.

6. Customize your mudroom cubbies. Cubbies are an organization must-have for mudrooms. They’re a convenient place to store shoes, sports equipment, and other items you need as you rush in and out of the house. These magical spots can be customized, too. Go for wire baskets over wooden shelves, add hooks for jackets, or include outlets and USB ports for charging phones, tablets, etc.

7. Don’t limit your linen closet. Here’s a good linen closet rule of thumb: Always add more closet space than you think you’ll need. Those sheets, blankets, and pillows tend to get bulky and you’ll never be sorry you have extra room for other comfy odds and ends.

8. Get swept away by broom cupboard benefits. A good broom cupboard is hard to find, but easy to love. Having a full-size broom cupboard in your kitchen or laundry room not only gives you a go-to headquarters for supplies, it will also keep cleaning items out of sight.

9. Improve your morning routine. A dressing mirror is an often overlooked detail that can be ultra-useful as you get ready in the morning. The perfect spot for one is near the closet where you’ll be getting dressed, so be sure to keep that in mind as you’re designing your space. Not sure this organization must-have will fit? There are lots of options that can work, including mirrors that fold out and tuck away.

10. Add fold-out features for a fun laundry room. The laundry room isn’t often a favorite room in the house—but with a few helpful features it can be! Fold-out hampers and ironing boards are just the kind of organizational upgrades that can make the chore go a little easier.

Do you have a house in the works? If you want to talk more about our favorite organization must-haves, contact Strickland’s Home and speak with on of our designers.