7 Genius Tips from Professional Closet Designers

If your closet looks like it should come with a jungle navigation guide — and organization is decidedly not your thing — never fear. All it takes to make your closet reach its full potential is a little know-how from a professional closet designer. Designers like those at Strickland’s Home can help you get more closet space not only through a makeover of the space itself, but also through expert advice. Read on for seven simple-but-genius tips:

  1.  Face All Hangers the Same Way, with All Clothes Facing You:  Think of this as the closet equivalent of dotting i’s and crossing t’s. When all your hangers face the same way, with all clothes facing you, you’ll reduce awkward gaps in your closet and keep all items lined up evenly. (You may even find that you get ready faster when you can see everything in your closet more easily.)
  2. Color-Code Your Wardrobe:  This tip goes out to all the visual learners, creative types, and folks who fear that closet organization is tedious business: Try color-coding your wardrobe to get the most out of your closet space. How you do this is up to you—for example, you can line-up clothes by color or use colored tabs to designate different seasonal items.color-code-2
  3. Find Harmony in Categories:  Categorize, harmonize, optimize! What does this closet mantra mean? Organizing your closet into handy categories will make for a more efficient space. Pair like with like—all pants together, all shirts together—or arrange by how you wear outfits. Other categories to consider? Occasion, color, and dressiness, to name a few.
  4. Don’t Fall into the Out-of-Sight-Out-of-Mind-Trap:  Keep shoes and purses on shelves or hooks rather than in drawers or hidden down on the floor. Besides taking care of clutter, this is also a great way to make sure you can envision all possibilities when you’re building an outfit.
  5. Ponder Your Hangers:  Not all hangers are created equal, and that means that those sneaky things that just hang out in your closet could actually be causing a misuse of space. Consider our Guide to Good Hangers and whether your clothes are hogging space based on how they’re hanging.
  6. Stow Away Seasonal Items:  There’s no reason wool hats, gloves, heavy sweaters, and other winter-weather clothes should be taking up premium closet space in the middle of summer. Celebrate the shifting seasons by shifting your clothes, too. You’ll create more space for what you’re wearing most often and maybe even prolong the life of your outfits, too.stow-away
  7. Capitalize on Every Inch:  If your closet has a strange layout or awkward corners, it may feel like it’s slacking on the job. But you can make sure every inch is useful to you—and we can help. Corner shelves, special hooks, and pull-out baskets are just a few ORG Home tricks of the trade that will turn even the most awkward space into a beautiful (and functional) closet.


These tips are just the tip of the organizational iceberg. For more great closet organization ideas or to learn more about how to get your dream closet, request an appointment with Strickland’s Home’s professional closet designers today.