Stricklands-Murphy-Bed-300x200Murphy beds, named after their creator, William Lawrence Murphy, have experienced a recent resurgence in popularity. Since their first patent in 1912, they have revolutionized sleep options through their unique pivot and counterbalanced designs that enable anyone to transform their limited space into a fully functioning yet discreet bedroom.



It is reported that Mr. Murphy desired to entertain friends – including a certain lady opera singer – in his small, one-room San Francisco apartment. However, propriety at that time prevented women from entering men’s bedrooms. To remedy this situation, Mr. Murphy invented and installed a bed that could be folded up against a wall, effectively removing the controversial object and avoiding any scandalous gossip.

Today, homeowners, hotels, and college students around the world enjoy the flexibility that Murphy beds afford. In addition, these quality units boast the following characteristics:


Attractiveness:  Not only are they tremendous space savers, they are also aesthetically appealing. When not in use, the vertically folding double and queen-sized beds can appear to be wardrobes, entertainment center doors, or closet doors. The side-folding twin-sized beds can convert into fully functioning desks, display shelves, and storage units. To see a sampling of the almost endless variety of styles available, browse


Functionality:  Virtually any room can be quickly and easily transformed into a multi-use space: children’s bedrooms, media rooms, studio apartments, home offices, home gyms/exercise rooms, home libraries, sewing/craft rooms, dorm rooms, guest rooms – all can continue to serve their primary purpose by day and easily convert into a sleeping area by night. Your creativity can take wing with these customizable units that can easily integrate into any home decor style.

Cost Effectiveness:  The cost savings of Murphy beds (also referred to as wall beds) should not be overlooked. Rather than remodeling or constructing an addition for an aging relative or returning child, simply install a Murphy bed in an existing room. And if you’re tired of repeatedly removing furniture for frequent overnight guests or finding space to store a bulky fold-away bed on wheels, the Murphy bed offers a convenient solution.

Strickland's for Murphy beds

Comfort:  Remember those lumpy, squeaky, foldout beds of your youth? Murphy beds ensure a good night’s sleep by removing metal springs entirely. Your existing mattress is easily strapped onto the wood base (which effectively serves as the box spring), thereby securing it in place to avoid slippage both during your sleep and when you stow the bed away the next morning.

Whether you have a small space, desire a unique bed design, or require an affordable yet comfortable multipurpose bedroom, a Murphy bed can meet your needs.  Come visit our new Murphy Bed installation in our showroom and learn how Strickland’s Home can help you maximize the space in your home.